Displaying Your Winning Rosettes

Displaying your winning rosettes is something all of us should do , after all it took a great deal of time and effort to win them !

I  am sure we all have been guilty of putting them in a box in the garage or attic …… what a shame , we should show off our achievements proudly

We at display your rosettes have just the answer for your winning rosettes

Choose a personalised Rosette Holder , with Horse and riders name , dog and handler . Add paw prints or horse shoes to feature next to your text . Some examples below

We can offer any colour ribbon.  just mail us . Or any size display . Maybe to fit a space you may have , just mail us for a quote

Please visit our shop for prices and design ideas

winning rosettes, displaying your winning rosettes
Rosette Display with paw prints
winning rosettes, displaying your winning rosettes
Rosette Display with horse shoes